

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karaca

e.mail: karaca [at] itu.edu.tr
phone: +90 212 285 61 08
researchgate link: researchgate.net/profile/Mehmet_Karaca3

Research interests:

Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, Global and Regional Climate Change, Emergency and Disaster Management, Air Pollution and Quality, City Climate


1979, Lisans: Meteoroloji Mühendisliği-İTÜ
1981, Yüksek Lisans: Meteoroloji Mühendisliği-İTÜ
1985, Yüksek Lisans: Atmosfer ve Okyanus Bilimleri-UCLA
1990, Doktora: Atmosfer ve Okyanus Bilimleri-UCLA

Most important 5 publications:

Karaca, M., A. Deniz, and M. Tayanç (2000) “Cyclone Track Variability over Turkey in Association with Regional Climate”, Int. J. of Climatology., 20, 1225-1236.

Kindap T., Unal A., Chen S.-H., Hu Y., Odman M.T., Karaca M. (2007) “Long-range Aerosol Transport From Europe to Istanbul, Turkey", Atmospheric Environment, 40, 3536-3547.

Tayanç, M., İm, U., Doğruel, M.,and Karaca, M. (2009) “Climate Change in Turkey for the half Century”, Climatic Change, 94, 3-4, 483-502.

Ezber Y., Sen O. L., Kindap T., Karaca M. (2007) “Climatic effects of urbanization in Istanbul: a statistical and modeling analysis”, International Journal of Climatology, 27: 667-679.

Karabörk, C., Kahya, E. and Karaca, M. (2005) “The Influences of the Southern and North Atlantic Oscillations on Climatic Surface Parameters in Turkey., Hydrol. Proc., 19, 1185-1211.

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